About the Training
What are the most challening presentations in Couples Therapy? How do you best work with very hostile or alternatively very avoidant couples?
By the time couples arrive into Couples Therapy they will have built up hurts, resentments and frustrations with each other. These may show up in angry escalating fights or in shut down and avoidance of difficult topics. The work of the couples therapist is multi faceted holding space to build relationship with each member of the couple, understand each perspective, de escalate arguments while facilitating more open honest vulnerable interactions.
Charlie Stevens will share his decades of experience and help us be best prepared for these challenging sessions using insightful and practical approaches.
About Charlie Stevens
Charlie Stevens describes his work as a process of accompanying the soul. He has a background in teaching Yoga and Meditation. As well as being an experienced individual ,couples therapist and supervisor he has facilitated Family Constellation work for over 20 years.