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About the Institute of Couples Therapy

The Institute of Couples Therapy is committed to providing professional training to therapists in the area of couples therapy. It is built on the cornerstones of relationship, respect, authenticity and curiosity.


Ethos of the Institute of Couples Therapy

The Institute of Couples Therapy is committed to providing professional training to therapists in the area of Couples Therapy. 

It is underpinned by the cornerstones of relationship, respect, authenticity and curiosity. These apply both to the delivery of the training and the work in the room with couples.

The Institute is committed to treating all trainees and members with respect, fostering a culture of inclusion and recognising and embracing diversity with the community.

The Institute promises to approach any difficulties which may arise with a collaborative relational approach. 

Developing a supportive community where therapists can bring themselves and their work and grow as a therapist in that work is central to the Institute of Couples Therapy.

The training approach of the Institute puts the following as non negotiable:


  • Working Ethically. Members will prioritise safety and will adhere to their accrediting bodies code of ethics. They will be familiar with child first legislation and be clear on applying these in their work.
  • Non-Shaming. Members will ensure that couples are respected in the therapy room and will not be shamed for opening up about the issues in the their relationship.
  • Client led. Members will work according to the wishes of the couple and will not bring any personal approach to the couples relationship.
  • Supervision/Consultation. Couples work is very challenging and having supervision, consultation groups and/or peer groups is necessary to hold you safely as a couples therapist. 

Founded by Karen Murphy

I am passionate about working with couples. Our primary relationship has the most significant influence in our lives and if that is struggling it impacts on all areas of our lives. I set up the Institute of Couples Therapy in response to a significant demand for couples therapy combined with strong interest from therapists for this work. 

From my time working with couples I have brought together the knowledge, approaches and skills which have been most effective in helping couples achieve transformative change. I want other therapists to be able to gain confidence and expertise to work in this area and expand their career to an area that is deeply fulfilling.

Training Approach

The training approach of the Institute of Couples Therapy is integrative. This is based on the models set out below and the consolidation of the feedback from couples through the years. The institute journeys with therapists from the initial period of working with couples through to emerging as a confident couples therapist through trainings and ongoing supports.

Resnicks Gestalt Approach


Terry Real’s Relational Life Therapy

Salvador Minuchin’s Family Therapy

Murray Bowen’s family systems theory

David Schnarch’s differentiation

Training Approach

The training approach of the Institute of Couples Therapy is integrative. This is based on the models set out below and the consolidation of the feedback from couples through the years. The institute journeys with therapists from the initial period of working with couples through to emerging as a confident couples therapist through trainings and ongoing supports.


Ready to get started with ICT?

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