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Live Webinar

The Many Shades of Couples Therapy and Working with Sex and Sexual Dysfunction

with Peter Thompson
Monday 9th September 2024
7pm to 9pm
Live and Recorded
2 CPD Hours

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This 2 hour talk will comprise of two parts. The first will focus on Peter’s experience of working with couples and will explore the many shades of couples therapy that are determined by the different presentations we as therapists encounter (from conflict arising from different character structures and attachment styles where there is underlying good faith, to abusive and manipulative undercurrents where the absence of good faith becomes apparent).

The second part will focus on working with sex and sexual dysfunction in the context of relationship. Attendees will gain insight into different sexual issues and how they are often underpinned by a fear of intimacy or a feeling of disempowerment. The objective is to open up what is often an uncomfortable subject in a straight forward way to support a nurturing of positive, healthy sexuality in couples.

Both parts of the talk will be illustrated by case vignettes and there will be time for Q&A and discussion.

Available to Watch Live and/or Recorded

2 hours IACP Approved CPD

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Peter Thompson

Peter Thompson MIACP, MIAHIP, MEABP, MICASA is co-founder of The Well Centre in East Cork. He has worked in private Psychotherapy practice for 19 years and as a process trainer with the Trácht Psychotherapy Foundation for 6 years. He has worked extensively with individuals and couples and has a special interest in Body Psychotherapy and sexology, training as an ICASA Mentor at the Centre for ICASA in Bedfordshire, UK. Peter and his wife Caragh support couples through the practical ICASA 10 step Sexual Recovery programme.

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